about us

Our Mission

We have come to the San Fernando Valley to break the perception that church is unforgiving, judgmental, or boring. We plan on destroying that narrative through intentional and authentic relationship that speaks biblical truth, encouragement, and empowerment for our community. People are looking for authenticity. It’s easy to miss the signs of the broken-hearted when you only have 2 minutes in the lobby of the church where everyone says they are “fine.” But then you find out their marriages are falling apart, their kids on drugs, they are losing their house, and their hope is gone. 

Why should you take a chance on Connection Point Church Los Angeles? It‘s a place where community becomes family, hope can be restored, and healing can be found.

OUR Vision

We are building a church that demonstrates the practices of Jesus where we love first, and then teach the message. Once we show love through mentoring and hospitality, we can help start the healing process. We don’t expect the broken to find us, which is why we teach to equip our leaders and then send them into the community to FIND the lost. We invite the lost into our church family where they are supported, celebrated, and encouraged. 

meet our pastors

Mark and Leslie Callaway, Co-Pastors

Pastors Mark & Leslie Callaway felt a calling on their hearts many years ago to plant a new church in Los Angeles. They began faithfully praying and God revealed his plan for them to move out at the end of 2019. It was with great anticipation, they packed up their house and moved out west to fulfill a dream. It was their desire to be a part of a movement that is going to pierce the heart of LA. And now they have started that journey with Connection Point Church!

Emptiness and loneliness has no economic or social limits, yet the good news is that God cares about the “down and out” as well as the “up and out.”

About Mark

Mark Callaway, lead pastor at Connection Point Church, has been ordained through the Assemblies of God since 1988. He graduated law school in 1992, and as a licensed attorney worked as a public defender, counsel for several municipalities, a deputy prosecutor, as well as being appointed by the Indiana Supreme court to interview applicants to the Indiana Bar for fitness to practice. Born in Dallas Texas, Mark moved to Indiana as a young child. After ordination with the Assemblies of God he served as pastor and youth pastor for several churches before settling at The Bridge Church in Northwest Indiana for 20 years. Mark has been married to his wife, Leslie, for over 36 years. They moved to Southern California in November 2019 after feeling a calling from God – for many years – to start a church plant in the Los Angeles area. He awaited the right timing to pursue his dream of building a caring church that would cultivate and fill a need as a place where people can find healing, and a rejuvenated life in Christ. In addition, he is a writer, songwriter, and enjoys fitness training. He is a life-long fan of the Dallas Cowboys.

About Leslie

Leslie Callaway is Ministries Coordinator at Connection Point Church. She is the Founder and Director of Mon Ami Ministry, which she began over twenty years ago when she saw so many women lacking a real connection to the local church. This ministry extends hospitality in a way that shares friendship, encouragement, and the love of God through connecting women to other women in their communities. She has taught the concepts of Mon Ami at numerous women’s conventions and regional meetings, and has implemented Mon Ami, so far, in five countries: United States, Italy, Pakistan, Swaziland, South Africa, and Nairobi, Kenya. Leslie is Co-Founder and Executive Editor of Heart of Hospitality Magazine (an online magazine for women) and is Chief Creative Officer and Co-Founder of KC Media Publishing. She and her husband, Mark, have three adult children, Nathan, Shannon, and Isabella. Leslie is an award-winning songwriter, accomplished singer, and sought-after speaker. She enjoys hallmark Christmas movies (all year long) and Starbucks coffee.

Get connected wit Mon Ami Women’s Ministry HERE.